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Authentic Sex with Juliet Allen

Sep 27, 2022

In this episode of Authentic Sex Juliet invited John Wineland back onto the show to talk about what women crave in relationship, and how men can give that to their beloved. This episode is jam-packed full of wisdom, experience, and advice from John about relationship dynamics and the dance between the masculine...

Sep 20, 2022

Ever wondered what kink is? Or how you can explore kink with or without a lover? In this episode, Juliet invited Melissa Louise onto the show to talk about all things kink as a spiritual practice. Melissa is an erotic blueprint coach and sex and relationship expert. Together Juliet and Melissa explore the topic of kink...

Sep 13, 2022

In this episode of Authentic Sex, Juliet invited her friend and experienced kinesiologist Zoe Bosco back onto the show. This episode is rich will insights, personal stories, and practical tips about how to explore cervical orgasms, how to create more wealth and expansion in all areas of life, how to move through...

Sep 6, 2022

What does it mean when we have sex dreams about people other than our current lover/partner?? Is this classified as cheating? How can we keep long-term relationships alive and juicy? We talk about all this and so much more in this episode of Authentic Sex with Juliet Allen and aliveness coach, Tabitha Fennell....