Jun 15, 2021
In this episode of Authentic Sex Juliet is joined by her dear friend Kaitlin. Kaitlin shares about preparing for a home birth, shares her entire home birth story, and then dives into the slow postpartum period. Kaitlin intuitively chose to self-pleasure during the later stages of her labor and shares about why she...
Jun 8, 2021
In this episode of Authentic Sex Juliet invited Acupuncturist Dr. Carla Brion onto the show to talk about healing from miscarriage, the benefits of acupuncture for pregnancy loss, pregnancy and postpartum, the importance of a slow postpartum period, placenta encapsulation, and so much more.
Jun 1, 2021
In this episode of Authentic Sex Juliet answers your questions about all-things pregnancy and sex. This episodes covers what sex positions are best, how to keep sex alive, how to avoid stretch marks, how to communicate needs, advice to prep for your dream birth, plus so much more.