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Authentic Sex with Juliet Allen

Oct 25, 2022

What is erotic imprinting and how can we open our entire body, including our heart, to our lovers? In this episode of Authentic Sex Juliet invited mythic embodiment guide Shaney Marie onto the podcast. Juliet and Shaney talk about the path of the erotic heart, what happens when our lovers imprint on us (and how we can...

Oct 18, 2022

In this episode of Authentic Sex Juliet invited her friend and conscious career coach Alison Rice back onto the show to talk about a huge array of topics including big business and career moves, long-term relationships, parenting, blow jobs, golden showers (do they turn Juliet and Alison on?), what to do if you're...

Oct 11, 2022

In this episode of Authentic Sex, Juliet invited author and Tantra Teacher Laurie Handlers onto the show to share her wisdom and teachings with the world. Laurie is 74 years of age and enjoys a healthy, happy, and juicy sex life with her partner Michael who is 20 years younger than her! In this episode Juliet and...

Oct 4, 2022

In a world full of botox, how can women age gracefully and enjoy sex as we age? That is the question Juliet and Melissa Louise explore in this episode of Authentic Sex. This conversation is juicy! Topics covered are botox and boob jobs (has Juliet had botox??), the ageing journey as women, the Maiden versus the...